Our Purpose - SIDOC Foundation

Our Purpose

We shape the present to transform the future:

The SIDOC Foundation is the Social Responsibility commitment of the business group Inversiones de Occidente, a company with 100% capital from Valle del Cauca, which since 1986 was created to contribute to the social development of southwestern Colombia.

Sidoc Foundation directs and operates social projects in the region with communities and territories in situations of exclusion and vulnerability, committing itself to integral development, generation of opportunities, prevention and intervention of violence, peace building and reconstruction of the social fabric.

Who are we?

The SIDOC Foundation is the Social Responsibility commitment of the business group Inversiones de Occidente, a company with 100% capital from Valle del Cauca, which since 1986 was created to contribute to the social development of southwestern Colombia.

Sidoc Foundation directs and operates social projects in the region with communities and territories in situations of exclusion and vulnerability, committing itself to integral development, generation of opportunities, prevention and intervention of violence, peace building and reconstruction of the social fabric.

To promote territorial development and contribute to the construction of a peaceful region with opportunities, it is not enough for companies to carry out sustainability exercises with the actors in their value chains, or to provide resources through philanthropic actions; it is necessary to go further and establish a commitment to the implementation of major commitments that contribute to solving the most pressing problems of our society with sustainable and high-impact interventions.

Convinced of this and of the fact that violence is one of the most complex problems facing the southwest of Colombia, Grupo Empresarial de Occidente decided to create the Sidoc Foundation in 2005, with the aim of establishing a differential and addressing in an innovative way issues such as peace building, prevention and intervention of violence.

Siderúrgica del Occidente: Sidoc has been watching since 1987 to build country being part of the foundations of the dreams of Colombians, producing high quality structural steel, committed to excellence in service and the welfare of its workers and the community.

Ingenio de Occidente: Agroindustrial company dedicated to grow, process and market high quality products derived from sugar cane in a responsible manner, being a company that has become a source of employment for hundreds of inhabitants of the municipalities of northern Cauca, helping in the development and progress of the region.

Cementos San Marcos: A construction company whose purpose is to be the most competitive cement producer in the region. To achieve its goal, it has an exceptional human team and the latest technology to produce high quality cement. Building tomorrow is its nature.


Peace is built on a daily basis, in the way we approach our lives, in our daily interactions with others and in the way we build community. From Sidoc Foundation we are committed to generate opportunities for individuals and communities by offering tools for personal and collective growth, with a human rights approach, to transform the territories into TERRITORIES OF PEACE.

Axes of Intervention in the Territories
- Prevention of Violence and Education for Citizenship
- Peace Building and Intervention in Violence

For the Sidoc Foundation, peace building in the territories is mediated by the generation of opportunities for the most vulnerable populations and the creation of optimal conditions for the well-being and development of individuals and their communities.


We work for the prevention and intervention of violence through education for citizenship, generation of opportunities, promotion of human rights and peace building in the territories of southwestern Colombia.


We are leaders in processes of prevention and intervention of violence and trust building with vulnerable communities in southwestern Colombia. We are based on the power of second chances and the generation of development through inclusion to build peace. We promote social and economic development from differential approaches based on two strategic axes of work: Prevention of Violence and Education for Citizenship; and, Peace Building and Intervention in Violence.

Principles and values of the Foundation:

Building trust by respecting the agreements reached between the participating communities and the various communities and the various stakeholders, becomes a fundamental tool that allows for the continuity of the processes The building of trust, respecting the agreements reached between the participating communities and the various stakeholders, becomes a fundamental tool that allows the continuity of the processes developed with the certainty and security of the fulfillment of the commitments and the management of resources. management of resources.

The recognition of differences is materialized in the possibility of participating in the planning, implementation and follow-up processes of the various population groups with whom development actions are carried out in the territories.

The recognition and acceptance of ethnic, political, economic, sexual orientation and religious differences is fundamental to the work we carry out, since the construction of positive and lasting PEACE implies recognizing and vindicating differences, it is also necessary to transcend them for the common good.

Santander de Quilichao

The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.

"We believe in the power of second chances."

Inspired by the Peace and Citizen Culture program 'Gestando Oportunidades', developed during the Mayor's Office of Maurice Armitage, our founder and leader, the Sidoc Foundation decided to adapt this intervention model to provide second chances to those who have been involved in violent environments.

Peacebuilding and Violence Intervention Axis

Individual, family, community and productive component

Forging Opportunities

This initiative seeks to generate second opportunities for 200 Afro-Colombian and indigenous youths in vulnerable conditions living in Buenaventura and Santander de Quilichao (northern Cauca), with the objective of accompanying the construction of an autonomous and legal life project. This initiative recognizes the potential of the ethnic population, based on their culture and customs, as a contribution to society and business productivity. Through this project, imaginaries are mobilized and built that allow working with people immersed in contexts of violence and illegality, in order to seek for them more and better life options. The initiative is implemented by the Sidoc Foundation, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Inclusion for Peace Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

2. Bonds for Reconciliation

Lazos para la Reconciliación is an initiative to promote territorial peace, coexistence and community cohesion in Santander de Quilichao (northern Cauca), through the strengthening of leadership skills and citizen participation, economic sustainability, reconciliation and community resilience in 80 people in the process of reincorporation, social leaders and the community in general, for the comprehensive prevention of the risks of victimization and stigmatization under a cross-cutting approach of gender equality.


The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.

"We believe in the power of second chances."

Inspired by the Peace and Citizen Culture program 'Gestando Oportunidades', developed during the Mayor's Office of Maurice Armitage, our founder and leader, the Sidoc Foundation decided to adapt this intervention model to provide second chances to those who have been involved in violent environments.

Peacebuilding and Violence Intervention Axis

Individual, family, community and productive component

Forging Opportunities

This initiative seeks to generate second opportunities for 200 Afro-Colombian and indigenous youths in vulnerable conditions living in Buenaventura and Santander de Quilichao (northern Cauca), with the objective of accompanying the construction of an autonomous and legal life project. This initiative recognizes the potential of the ethnic population, based on their culture and customs, as a contribution to society and business productivity. Through this project, imaginaries are mobilized and built that allow working with people immersed in contexts of violence and illegality, in order to seek for them more and better life options. The initiative is implemented by the Sidoc Foundation, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Inclusion for Peace Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.

A Dream called 'Siloé Visible'.

Through the building of trust, recognition and acceptance of differences, a participatory process materialized with two grassroots organizations of Comuna 20, the Nueva Luz Foundation and the La Red Cultural Center Association, for the creation of a long-term project that would turn Comuna 20, specifically Siloé, into a territory of peace.

Violence Prevention and Education for Citizenship

Individual Component:

Music and Sport for Peace

For the SIDOC Foundation, music and sports have become a tool of great value, not only for the development of musical skills in children, adolescents and young people, but also in the promotion of social, emotional and cognitive skills that have allowed the construction of life projects, the promotion of gender equality, the recognition and promotion of human rights, the recovery of the memory of the territory and youth leadership.

1. Siloé Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra:

The Siloé Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra process was born in 2008 with the objective of providing artistic spaces for children and young people of the 20th district of the city of Cali, through which processes of social inclusion and violence prevention are generated, using musical training and psychosocial support as main tools.

The children and youth symphony orchestra of Siloé has had more than 600 members throughout these 12 years and has had the support of allied institutions such as the Multipurpose Educational Institution, Faculty of Music of the University of Valle, the Bard College Conservatory of New York, the ICESI University, the Colombo American Cultural Center, the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, among others, the Universidad ICESI, the Centro Cultural Colombo Americano, the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation and the Colombian Ministry of Culture, among others. We have 10 graduates of the process who are currently involved in professional academic processes at the conservatory of Cali and the Universidad del Valle.

2. Drums of Siloé:

With Tambores de Siloé we have been working for more than 10 years with the objective of preventing violence through the promotion of musical culture linked to Colombian and urban rhythms, through various musical instruments and combining musical composition with children and young people from the 20th district of Cali. More than 300 people have been part of this musical training and life skills development process.

3. Soccer for Hope

Since 2011, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), FIFA Foundation and Coca Cola Foundation, the Sidoc Foundation has bet on sports as a vehicle to work on social, emotional and cognitive skills with children and youth from the 20th district, while developing community processes in the territories where this sport is practiced. Soccer becomes the excuse to work on the individual component and generate community strengthening processes.

Community strengthening component:

Transformation of public space

It is in the public space that encounters and disagreements, exclusion but also solidarity often take place. The transformation of public space, with a pedagogical balance, is a tool we use to strengthen the community fabric, regulate interactions and work on the concept of social peace. This strategy is based on the active participation of the community, the exchange of knowledge, dialogue and trust building.

1. Pintatón

With the commitment to help recover the social fabric, with a comprehensive vision in which the beautification of the physical space is used as a tool to enter the territory and enhance social processes. We painted 7,000 façades and butts white and managed to change the face of the neighborhood. Not only was there a change of perception within the neighborhood, but the city began to see Siloé in a different way.

2. Viewpoint Park 'I Love Siloé'.

Recovery of 6,400 square meters of public space, including a theater, a playground, a gymnasium, a street soccer field, a flagpole, the neighborhood landmark flag, and the creation of a social committee for its administration.

3. Center for Inclusion and Peace Building 'La Esperanza':

In the La Estrella sector in Cali's Commune 20, more than 200 children and youth and their families have access to a community dining room, systems room, community library, musical, artistic, sports, recreational and job training processes. This space serves as a hub of articulation between social services and the institutional offerings provided by the Foundation; it is also the gateway for other organizations to work in Siloé.

4. Center for Inclusion and Peace Building 'La Casa de las Vacas':

As a result of a community initiative, since 2016, La Casa de las Vacas has become the space where around 80 NNAJ from the El Mirador sector in Cali's commune 20 can have school support, internet access and promotion of art, recreation and sports. It is also a space that functions as a point of articulation of private and public social services.

Peacebuilding and Violence Intervention Axis

Commune 14

"We believe in the power of second chances."

Inspired by the Peace and Citizen Culture program 'Gestando Oportunidades', developed during the Mayor's Office of Maurice Armitage, our founder and leader, the Sidoc Foundation decided to adapt this intervention model to generate second opportunities to prevent and interrupt the dynamics of violence with migrant populations, Colombian returnees and host communities.
VALE + Plus: Inclusion and Opportunity
The project seeks to strengthen socio-emotional and productive skills in 200 migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities to generate sustainable livelihoods through psychosocial support and the generation of economic opportunities. The Vale + Más: Inclusion and Opportunities project is being developed in 11 neighborhoods in the 14th district of the city of Cali. The initiative is implemented by the Sidoc Foundation, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Emergency and Stabilization Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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