We are a non-profit organization that works for the generation of opportunities, intervention in violence and risk prevention with children, adolescents and young people, the promotion of human rights and peace building in southwestern Colombia.
The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.
Inspired by the Peace and Citizen Culture program 'Gestando Oportunidades', developed during the Mayor's Office of Maurice Armitage, our founder and leader, the Sidoc Foundation decided to adapt this intervention model to provide second chances to those who have been involved in violent environments.
Lazos para la Reconciliación is an initiative to promote territorial peace, coexistence and community cohesion in Santander de Quilichao (northern Cauca), through the strengthening of leadership skills and citizen participation, economic sustainability, reconciliation and community resilience in 80 people in the process of reincorporation, social leaders and the community in general, for the comprehensive prevention of the risks of victimization and stigmatization under a cross-cutting approach of gender equality.
The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.
Inspired by the Peace and Citizen Culture program 'Gestando Oportunidades', developed during the Mayor's Office of Maurice Armitage, our founder and leader, the Sidoc Foundation decided to adapt this intervention model to provide second chances to those who have been involved in violent environments.
The intervention of the Sidoc Foundation is currently focused on strengthening the Valle del Cauca, in communes 14 and 20 of the city of Cali and in the district of Buenaventura; in the north of the department of Cauca, in Santander de Quilichao; with a view to working towards a presence in other municipalities in the south of Valle del Cauca and the Pacific Andean region.
Through the building of trust, recognition and acceptance of differences, a participatory process materialized with two grassroots organizations of Comuna 20, the Nueva Luz Foundation and the La Red Cultural Center Association, for the creation of a long-term project that would turn Comuna 20, specifically Siloé, into a territory of peace.
The children and youth symphony orchestra of Siloé has had more than 600 members throughout these 12 years and has had the support of allied institutions such as the Multipurpose Educational Institution, Faculty of Music of the University of Valle, the Bard College Conservatory of New York, the ICESI University, the Colombo American Cultural Center, the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, among others, the Universidad ICESI, the Centro Cultural Colombo Americano, the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation and the Colombian Ministry of Culture, among others. We have 10 graduates of the process who are currently involved in professional academic processes at the conservatory of Cali and the Universidad del Valle.
With the commitment to help recover the social fabric, with a comprehensive vision in which the beautification of the physical space is used as a tool to enter the territory and enhance social processes. We painted 7,000 façades and butts white and managed to change the face of the neighborhood. Not only was there a change of perception within the neighborhood, but the city began to see Siloé in a different way.
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