Our History

Founded in response to the need to formalize the social work that Siderúrgica del Occidente - SIDOC - had been developing since its inception. It is established as a support mechanism so that the company can integrate its CSR work transversally to all areas of the company.

Great dream 'Siloé Visible': hand in hand with two grassroots organizations, Fundación Nueva Luz and Asociación Centro Cultural La Red (ACCR) began the bid to transform Cali's comuna 20 into a territory of peace.

The Pintatón: inspired by the theory of "Broken Windows" and the transformation process of Cerro de Santa Ana in Guayaquil, the intervention of more than 7,000 facades and butts is promoted with the support of the inhabitants of Cali's Commune 20. This strategy allows the Foundation to enter the most violent and insecure sectors of the commune and initiate community strengthening processes.

Siloé Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra: "Touching Dreams, touching hearts". The string orchestra is formed with the conviction that when a child is educated through music, besides listening to chords of joy, their lives are transformed and they cultivate values that make them better human beings.

Tambores de Siloé: combines musical interpretation and the construction of instruments in recyclable materials in order to develop social skills in NNJA oriented to the construction of life projects and the prevention of violence through music.

Soccer for Hope: with the support of the IDB, the Coca-Cola Foundation, the Fifa Foundation and the Cali Mayor's Office, this program is born in which sports become a tool for the prevention of violence, with the creation of 11 soccer training centers or satellites. Sports come to Comuna 20 as a tool for peace building.

Soccer and Peace Network: together with nine national organizations, the Soccer and Peace Network is formed, which uses soccer to build a culture of peace in Colombia.

Ludoteca La Esperanza: in the La Estrella sector of the Siloé neighborhood, the Ludoteca La Esperanza was built with APC's contribution and serves more than 100 children and 200 adults daily. This place offers public and private institutional services, and also develops community processes.

Young Leaders: with the support of Reconciliación Colombia, this project is aimed at promoting leadership through soccer among young people from the Juana de Caicedo y Cuero school.

Maurice Armitage's mayoralty: the founding partner of the Sidoc business group and the Sidoc Foundation is elected as Mayor of Cali. The executive director of the Sidoc Foundation, Christine Armitage, decides to join him in the public sector as an advisor in projects related to social focus, retiring from the executive management of the Foundation until the end of 2019.

Ludoteca Las Vacas: in the area of Parque Mirador 'Yo Amo a Siloé' the second Ludoteca of the Sidoc Foundation is being built in the Siloé neighborhood with the support of the Ramirez Moreno Foundation. The space offers academic support, literacy training, internet access and other services for the community in general.

Life through Soccer Project: the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation is developing a violence prevention methodology in the municipality of Vijes, Valle del Cauca.

Prevention of Bullying: in collaboration with Fundación Bolivar Davivienda and as part of the Young Leaders project, a special chapter dedicated to the prevention of bullying was carried out at the Juana de Caicedo y Cuero educational institution.

Forging Opportunities: thanks to the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Inclusion for Peace program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), among other partners, the Forging Opportunities project was created to generate second chances for Afro-Colombian and indigenous youth in highly vulnerable conditions in Santander de Quilichao (northern Cauca) and Buenaventura.

Vale + Oportunidades: in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and through the Emergency and Stabilization Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), this program seeks to strengthen the socio-emotional and productive skills of the Venezuelan migrant population, Colombian returnees and the host community in commune 14 of the city of Cali.

Lazos para la Reconciliación (Bonds for Reconciliation): project financed through the Grant Fund of the United Nations Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Sustaining Peace in Colombia. This project was implemented with the Comamce Cooperative of former FARC members, the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and the Secretary of Government of Santander de Quilichao to strengthen territorial peace, coexistence and community cohesion.

Families at Work: opportunities that build was born thanks to the alliance of Siderúrgica del Occidente - SIDOC, Cementos San Marcos and Sidoc Foundation to generate opportunities for the improvement of the quality of life of 200 construction workers and their families.

Barberías sin Barreras: Seeks to develop socio-emotional skills in 33 young barbers and hairdressers of Buenaventura, promoting their recognition as mediating actors in vulnerable and violent environments, from the strengthening of entrepreneurship and generation of protective environments. Project developed with the support of the Resilient Youth Program, Collective Effect of USAID and ACDI/VOCA, and the Buenaventura Chamber of Commerce.

Forging Opportunities - Compromiso Valle: Compromiso Valle is the result of a collective construction exercise between citizens, companies and foundations that joined together in search of dignifying life. Fundación Sidoc joined this alliance with the Forjar Oportunidades program that seeks to impact 5,000 young people from Cali, Buenaventura, Buga, Candelaria, Jamundí, Palmira and Yumbo, who have lived in contexts of violence and to whom the limited supply of opportunities has limited the development of their skills.

Forjar Oportunidades - Vijes: Thanks to the alliance with Cementos San Marcos and the Mayor's Office of Vijes, the Forjar Oportunidades program reaches the municipality of Vijes to impact with its integral route a group of 33 young people in highly vulnerable conditions.

Walls without borders: Seeks to develop actions to prevent the recruitment, use and utilization of 100 young migrants and host community of Cali's commune 20, through urban art and graffiti tools, for the intervention of safe environments.
Developed thanks to the support of the Connecting Pathways for Rights program, funded by USAID and implemented by the consortium of Pact, ABA Rule of Law, Freedom House and Internews.

Soccer for social cohesion: Seeks to strengthen the social and emotional skills of children and youth through the use of soccer as a tool for violence prevention and an incentive for social cohesion.
Implemented thanks to the support of FIFA, La Guilde, GIZ and the French Development Agency.

Tiempo de Panas: Develops processes of social integration, citizen participation and facilitates access to opportunities and services for the migrant population, returnees and host community in Cali's communes 1, 6, 13 and 14.
Implemented thanks to the support of USAID's Integra project.

Forjando Confianza (Forging Confidence): Community strengthening strategy with adults and sports with children and youth, as a mechanism to contribute to the generation of social and community opportunities through psychosocial support and soccer as a tool for coexistence and development.
It is implemented in the villages of San Nicolás and La Quebrada in the municipality of Caloto (Cauca), thanks to the support of the companies Química Básica, Químicos del Cauca and Ecovitta.

Forging Healthy Environments: Seeks to strengthen the socioemotional and citizenship skills of Venezuelan migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities, for the development of interventions to promote healthy communities.
Implemented with the support of USAID's Healthy Communities program.

Forjando Educación: Seeks to contribute to strengthening the capacities and skills for income generation of the inhabitants of the municipality of Vijes and the territories of San Marcos and Manga Vieja in Yumbo.
It is implemented with the support of Cementos San Marcos.

Vijes Visible: Seeks to position Vijes as a tourist and cultural destination in the region, strengthening cultural goods and services, as well as tangible and intangible cultural assets. It is implemented with the support of Cementos San Marcos, the Mayor's Office of Vijes, Fundación Santa Bárbara, Celsia, the Ministry of Culture and its Co-Crea project.

Café Museo Forjar: A productive project that links three women forgers from the municipality of Vijes, who have been trained in the preparation of Valle del Cauca's amasijos, barismo, customer service and pastries to offer the locals and visitors of the municipality of Vijes high quality products at competitive prices.

CreeSer: Inclusion center that facilitates access to social and economic opportunities for children and youth, their caregivers, the community and the environment, strengthening social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills, preventing their involvement in the dynamics of violence. the environment, strengthening social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills, preventing their involvement in the dynamics of violence, located in the sector of Altos de Menga, commune 2 of Cali.

Oportunidades de Acero: Oportunidades de Acero is a comprehensive care program led by the Sidoc Foundation that seeks to contribute to improving the quality of life of workers in the process of loading and unloading heavy material adjacent to Sidoc's operation, through a range of benefits for them and their families: psychosocial support, job training programs, opportunities for entrepreneurship and housing improvement.

Youth Building Inclusive Food Systems: Urban Futures Cali is a global program that addresses three aspects: urban food systems, youth well-being and climate action. The project is being developed in Cali by the Sidoc Foundation in partnership with the Hivos Foundation and the Botnar Foundation.
During the first phase of the process, called inception, the Sidoc Foundation conducted an assessment of the current food system in Cali, from a youth perspective, in order to adapt the theory of change proposed by the Hivos Foundation and establish a working strategy for the city-region.

Forging Roots for the Future: Aims to strengthen ethnic cultural entrepreneurship and socioemotional skills for entrepreneurship. for the entrepreneurship of the indigenous and Afro-Colombian population residing in Santander de Quilichao and Puerto Tejada, improving their protective factors against the risks of linking dynamics of violence.
Implemented thanks to the support of USAID's Juntanza Étnica program and ACDI/VOCA.

Founded in response to the need to formalize the social work that Siderúrgica de Occidente - SIDOC -had been developing since its inception. It is established as a support mechanism for the company to integrate its CSR work with all areas of the company.

Gran Sueño "Siloe Visible", with the help of two grassroots organizations, Fundacion Nueva Luz and Asociacion Centro Cultural La Red (ACCR), seeks to transform Comuna 20 into a territory of peace.

La Pintaton: inspired by the theory of the "broken window" and the process of transformation of the Cerra de Santa Ana in Guayaquil, we promote the painting of more than 7,000 facades and butts hand in hand with the community of the Comuna 20 of Cali. This strategy allows the Foundation to enter the most violent and insecure sectors of the Comuna, and to begin to trigger community strengthening processes.

Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra of Siloe "Touching Dreams, touching hearts". The string orchestra is formed with the conviction that when a child is educated through music, in addition to hearing chords of joy, their lives are transformed and they cultivate values that make them better human beings.

Drums of Siloe. It combines the interpretation and construction of instruments in recyclable material, and seeks to develop social skills in NNJA oriented to the construction of life projects and the prevention of violence through music.

Soccer for Hope, with the support of BID, Coca-Cola, Fifa and the Cali City Hall, the program arrives to the Comuna 20 of Cali. The sport becomes the tool for the prevention of violence, with the creation of 11 satellites or training centers. Sport comes to Comuna 20 as a tool for peace building.

Red Futbol y Paz (Soccer and Peace Network): together with 9 national organizations, the network is formed to use soccer to build a culture of peace in Colombia.

La Esperanza Toy Library. In the area of Estrella de Siloe, the Ludoteca la Esperanza is being built with the contribution of APC, which serves more than 100 children and 200 adults daily and from where the institutional, public and private offer is agglutinated, and community processes are promoted.

Young Leaders. With the support of Reconciliacion Colombia this project is oriented to the promotion of leadership through soccer in young people of the IEO Juana Caicedo y Cuero.

Mayor Maurice Armitage, founder of Sidoc and Sidoc Foundation. The executive director of the Sidoc Foundation until 2015, Christine Armitage, decided to join him in the public sector as an advisor on social issues, retiring from the executive direction of the Foundation until the end of 2019.

Ludoteca Las Vacas. In the area of the Parque Mirador "Yo Amo a Siloe" the second Ludoteca of the Sidoc Foundation is being built in Siloe with the support of the Ramirez Moreno Foundation. The space offers academic support, literacy training, internet access among other services.

Project of Life Through Soccer. Together with the Bolivar Davivienda Foundation, the methodology of violence prevention is taken to the municipality of Vijes.

Prevention of bullying. In collaboration with Fundacion Bolivar Davivienda and as part of the Jovenes Lideres project, a special chapter dedicated to bullying prevention in the IEO.

Forging Opportunities. Together with the IOM and the Javeriana University, the program is launched to generate second opportunities for Afro-Colombian and indigenous youth in vulnerable conditions in northern Cauca and Buenaventura.

Vale + Opportunities. With the help of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and through the Emergency and Stabilization Program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), we seek to strengthen the socio-emotional and productive skills of migrants in the Comuna 14 of the city of Cali.

Ties for Reconciliation. Project financed through the grant fund of the United Nations Multidonor Fund. A joint effort with the COMAMCE Cooperative of former FARC members, the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Javeriana University and the Secretary of Government of Santander de Quilichao to strengthen territorial peace, coexistence and community cohesion.

Families at Work: opportunities that build was born thanks to the alliance of Siderúrgica del Occidente - SIDOC, Cementos San Marcos and Sidoc Foundation to generate opportunities for the improvement of the quality of life of 200 construction workers and their families.

Barberías sin Barreras: Seeks to develop socio-emotional skills in 33 young barbers and hairdressers of Buenaventura, promoting their recognition as mediating actors in vulnerable and violent environments, from the strengthening of entrepreneurship and generation of protective environments. Project developed with the support of the Resilient Youth Program, Collective Effect of USAID and ACDI/VOCA, and the Buenaventura Chamber of Commerce.

Forging Opportunities - Compromiso Valle: Compromiso Valle is the result of a collective construction exercise between citizens, companies and foundations that joined together in search of dignifying life. Fundación Sidoc joined this alliance with the Forjar Oportunidades program that seeks to impact 5,000 young people from Cali, Buenaventura, Buga, Candelaria, Jamundí, Palmira and Yumbo, who have lived in contexts of violence and to whom the limited supply of opportunities has limited the development of their skills.

Forjar Oportunidades - Vijes: Thanks to the alliance with Cementos San Marcos and the Mayor's Office of Vijes, the Forjar Oportunidades program reaches the municipality of Vijes to impact with its integral route a group of 33 young people in highly vulnerable conditions.

Walls without borders: Seeks to develop actions to prevent the recruitment, use and utilization of 100 young migrants and host community of Cali's commune 20, through urban art and graffiti tools, for the intervention of safe environments.
Developed thanks to the support of the Connecting Pathways for Rights program, funded by USAID and implemented by the consortium of Pact, ABA Rule of Law, Freedom House and Internews.

Soccer for social cohesion: Seeks to strengthen the social and emotional skills of children and youth through the use of soccer as a tool for violence prevention and an incentive for social cohesion.
Implemented thanks to the support of FIFA, La Guilde, GIZ and the French Development Agency.

Tiempo de Panas: Develops processes of social integration, citizen participation and facilitates access to opportunities and services for the migrant population, returnees and host community in Cali's communes 1, 6, 13 and 14.
Implemented thanks to the support of USAID's Integra project.

Forjando Confianza (Forging Confidence): Community strengthening strategy with adults and sports with children and youth, as a mechanism to contribute to the generation of social and community opportunities through psychosocial support and soccer as a tool for coexistence and development.
It is implemented in the villages of San Nicolás and La Quebrada in the municipality of Caloto (Cauca), thanks to the support of the companies Química Básica, Químicos del Cauca and Ecovitta.

Forging Healthy Environments: Seeks to strengthen the socioemotional and citizenship skills of Venezuelan migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities, for the development of interventions to promote healthy communities.
Implemented with the support of USAID's Healthy Communities program.

Forjando Educación: Seeks to contribute to strengthening the capacities and skills for income generation of the inhabitants of the municipality of Vijes and the territories of San Marcos and Manga Vieja in Yumbo.
It is implemented with the support of Cementos San Marcos.

Vijes Visible: Seeks to position Vijes as a tourist and cultural destination in the region, strengthening cultural goods and services, as well as tangible and intangible cultural assets. It is implemented with the support of Cementos San Marcos, the Mayor's Office of Vijes, Fundación Santa Bárbara, Celsia, the Ministry of Culture and its Co-Crea project.

Café Museo Forjar: A productive project that links three women forgers from the municipality of Vijes, who have been trained in the preparation of Valle del Cauca's amasijos, barismo, customer service and pastries to offer the locals and visitors of the municipality of Vijes high quality products at competitive prices.

CreeSer: Inclusion center that facilitates access to social and economic opportunities for children and youth, their caregivers, the community and the environment, strengthening social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills, preventing their involvement in the dynamics of violence. the environment, strengthening social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills, preventing their involvement in the dynamics of violence, located in the sector of Altos de Menga, commune 2 of Cali.

Oportunidades de Acero: Oportunidades de Acero is a comprehensive care program led by the Sidoc Foundation that seeks to contribute to improving the quality of life of workers in the process of loading and unloading heavy material adjacent to Sidoc's operation, through a range of benefits for them and their families: psychosocial support, job training programs, opportunities for entrepreneurship and housing improvement.

Youth Building Inclusive Food Systems: Urban Futures Cali is a global program that addresses three aspects: urban food systems, youth well-being and climate action. The project is being developed in Cali by the Sidoc Foundation in partnership with the Hivos Foundation and the Botnar Foundation.
During the first phase of the process, called inception, the Sidoc Foundation conducted an assessment of the current food system in Cali, from a youth perspective, in order to adapt the theory of change proposed by the Hivos Foundation and establish a working strategy for the city-region.

Forging Roots for the Future: Aims to strengthen ethnic cultural entrepreneurship and socioemotional skills for entrepreneurship. for the entrepreneurship of the indigenous and Afro-Colombian population residing in Santander de Quilichao and Puerto Tejada, improving their protective factors against the risks of linking dynamics of violence.
Implemented thanks to the support of USAID's Juntanza Étnica program and ACDI/VOCA.