Legal Notice
By filling out this form, you, as the owner(s) of the information, freely, expressly, voluntarily and informed, authorize the SIDOC Foundation - identified with the NIT. 900053142-1; and/or the natural or legal person to whom you entrust them, to collect, store, use, circulate, suppress and in general, to carry out any other treatment to the personal data provided by you, for all those aspects inherent to the commercial and promotional activities, and any other related to the development of our main corporate purpose; The above implies the use of the data in marketing and promotional activities and if necessary, when the commercial activity requires it, the transfer and transmission of the same to a third party (including third countries), under the parameters of Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1074 of 2015 and other current regulations governing the matter. In any case, SIDOC Foundation guarantees the conditions of security, privacy and other principles involving the processing of personal data in accordance with applicable law. This authorization will be maintained for the duration of the link or the provision of the service and for the duration of the responsible company, as established in its manuals and policies.